jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2019


La semana que viene haremos el control de Social de la segunda unidad "The Continents".Para ayudaros a repasar, os dejo algunos ejercicios tipo. El control será similar, aunque no igual, pero los contenidos que tienen que tener aprendidos si son los mismos.

Are you ready???

1) Can you write the names of the five oceans and the five continents in the world?

Resultado de imagen de mapa mundi en blanco

2) Answer these questions about continents and oceans.

What´s the largest continent?
What`s the smallest continent?
What´s the biggest ocean?
Which ocean is between America and Europe?
Which ocean is between Africa and Oceania?

3) Answer these questions about rivers and mountain ranges.

What´s the longest river in the world? Which continent is it in?
What´s the river with more water?  Which continent is it in?
What´s the longest mountain range in the world? Which continent is it in?
What´s the highest mountain range in the world? Which continent is it in?

4) Answer these questions about islands and archipelagos.

What´s the biggest island in the world? Which ocean is it  in?
What´s the biggest island in Africa? Which ocean is it  in?
Which archipelago is made of over 7000 islands?
Which archipelago is made ofover 17000 islands?

5) Write the continent these countries are in and their capital cities.

Brazil, Kenya, New Zeland, Canada, Argentina, India, Australia, Japan,China, Mexico, Egypt, Morocco.

Espero que os sirva.
Saludos blogueros.

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